Full Impact Web Design involves the structure of the website including the information architecture - navigation systems and naming schemes which are key to "Ease of Use", and absolutely required for an effective SEO strategy. Additionally, the layout of the pages are created to show consistent placement of items which ensures the same overall "Look & Feel" across all browsers and operating systems and the conceptual design of the site which should incorporate branding. As you can see, Web Design, SEO, and Internet Marketing should go hand-in hand. This is the starting point of an effective Internet marketing strategy.
All websites should begin with a clear vision or strategy so that it will reflect what you are trying to achieve. The strategy then enables the design to fullfill it's defined goals, ie: Form Follows Function.
Websites that make their customers work to navigate or read them are not the best way to get business. Having to click on three or four links to get to where you want to be or using miniscule fonts, text in colors that make it hard to see against the background color, and lines that are piled on top of each other are problems, problems we avoid.
A prospective customer or client should not have to click more than one link to get to where they want to be, even on a large site. Navigation is one of the top priorities in website design and it can also affect the layout of the website itself. For example, a site with a lot of pages but few categories could use a horizontal menu with drop-down, fly-out functions, as on this site. A site with a lot of categories and a lot of pages would be better served by a vertical side menu which can also incorporate drop-down and fly-out functions.
No matter how good a writer you are, people don't want to read endless pages of text. Break it up by using headlines that reflect the subject of the paragraph(s) to follow so people can scan down to the parts that really interest them, or use bulleted lists to change the pace of the writing and slow down the scanning.
Writing for the Web is different than writing for magazines, newspapers, books, etc. The use of "keywords" or "key phrases" is necessary to ensure good search engine rankings because SEO is accomplished almost exclusively through content and how it is organized and structured. If you are writing your sites content we can help in the optimization process.
As we have already stated, SEO is accomplished largely through content. Flash delivers content that can not be read by search engines, although, they are making progress towards rectifying this. There are however, alternatives to Flash which produce the same effects and are optimizable. Our site, for example, does not use any Flash, even in our header which fades in and displays multiple messages and all of the content displayed in the header is readable by search engines and therefore optimizable.
Whenever possible, we strive to keep our web sites standards compliant. This is not always possible though, and depends largely on what you, the client, want or need. Many image and multimedia galleries, image enlargement scripts, guestbooks, blogs, etc., especially the newer ones using "special effects" use coding techniques that are ahead of the standards in order to work properly. Suppose you are an artist, photographer or sculptor, you need to have a gallery and a thumbnail enlargement script to display your work in the best possible light. Full Impact Web Design will construct the right platform to show off your work and strive to make it as compliant as possible. We understand that designing the best showcase for your product or service outweighs strict adherence to standards
Full Impact Web Design offers Northern Colorado startups, small businesses, home-based businesses and non-profits a high-end web design technology solution at an affordable rate that fits any budget. Choose from our pre-designed professional layouts or build a custom site to your specifications. Whatever your requirements, we can help. Challenge us, we're ready!